Whoa! It's has been waaaaay to long since I've written an entry. The end of Summer/beginning of Fall has been/is very busy. (can you tell I like slashes today?). At the end of August I had Dragon*Con 2012, so the lead up to that was a bit of a whirl wind. The weekend before that I had to go to a wedding in Michigan. Last weekend I went on my yearly pilgrimage to PA Renn Fair. But of course that's no excuse for not writing.
I have some fun pictures to post. Dragon*Con was incredible and I fully intend to go again next year. Everyone's costumes were amazing. There really were many Hollywood quality costumes. And of course the 24 hour partying wasn't bad either. I'm already contemplating my costume for next year. I'm really hoping to turn it up a notch. As for this year, it was a blast dressing as Glinda (Wicked) and Kaylee (Firefly). Only a few people got what my Glinda dress was, but those that did were really into it. I also got a fair amount of compliments for my Kaylee. Here are some pictures from the festivities:
My Kaylee costume :) | |
The jacket I made myself from an out-of-print mandarin collar jacket pattern (McCalls 4782). I slightly modified by pattern by making very plain sleeves. It called for buttons and other stuff I didn't want. The patches I found at
NalaSerenity's shop on Etsy. She was nice enough to assemble all of them in one place thus allowing me to be lazy. The coveralls I bought online, removed a pocket and cut off the sleeves. The parasol I found in Chinatown in NYC and painted myself.
Wearing Glinda at Dragon*Con 2012 |
Here is the Glinda costume I made completely from scratch. I will be writing a "how to" post when I have more time, so I'll save the details of this dress for later. :)
Look the Emerald City! |
And what would Dragon*Con be without your friends. :)
On the far right in my boyfriend dressed as the driver (Ryan Gosling) from Drive. The other two are characters from the game League of Legends.
Oh, I also mentioned Renn Fair. I finally got to debut my newly completed Renn dress.
Trying to look regal |
Phew. I need to write more often so my posts aren't nearly so long! There will be much more very soon. Amazingly, I'm not quite out of costume season with New York Comic Con approaching. I decided at the last second to whip something together. You'll just have to wait and see.. ;)